Coming Soon: The Hygge Studio

Dreaming Up the Hygge Studio:

This idea was born during my years in my graduate school program. My decision to continue my education in the mental health field was always to better prepare myself for family life. For me, the more knowledge I had, the more prepared I would be to help my children through challenges they would face. While in school I was teaching zumba and high fitness to support Lane and I while he was in school and playing football for the University. I loved teaching fitness classes! I was good at it and really felt like I made an impact on people, helping them to have a release from stress and leave feeling happier and lighter. I also developed a deep attention to and love for home design. Fixer Upper was my guilty pleasure and creating secret Pinterest boards was my favorite pastime. I started studying designers' work, reading research on interior design and even started my own little business making home signs and decor. I loved the idea of intentionally creating a space for families to thrive in. I was developing these skills that I loved and was good at, but also had a desire to be fully present for my family when the time came for us to have kids and not allow work to take away from my attention to them. As I thought and prayed about how I could accomplish all of these desires, I began dreaming up this space. I shared my vision for a space on a plane to Louisiana for a summer vacation with Lane. I wanted to be able to teach classes, hold workshops, and rent out for others to be able to do the same and further their dreams. He immediately got on board and helped me draw up a plan for this dream space, that was really when the Hygge House was born.

When I began dreaming up this space, I thought about my mom and women like my mom. My mom was a woman who “did it all!” She had her own private practice counseling business, she made up dances for my talent shows, helped us make science fair projects until the early morning hours the day before it was due, and supported each of our talents. But there were cracks in this lifestyle for my mom; lack of sleep, a limited social life, being stretched too thin, lack of time for herself, and I'm sure she was left feeling depleted most days.  As a child in this household, I also felt short changed of time with my mom. I wanted more of her time, more organization and structure, and I resented not having it.

As a mother myself, I can now put myself in her shoes and understand the “mom guilt” she must have carried. As moms we struggle with trying to balance It all; time for ourselves to fulfill who we were meant to be and also juggling our desire to give our children everything. I saw this challenging balance and wanted to create a way to live within my values, keep balance in my life and help others do the same. I felt this phrase so strongly in my heart: “The world needs your talents and abilities, and your families also need your love and attention.”

The Hygge Studio was meant to be that bridge in my life. It is a space for passion and creativity. It is a space for learning and growth. Individuals in the community can rent the studio out to further their businesses, sign up to be a workshop leader and teach a class on what they are good at. They can use the studio to host an event or plan a party.

About the Studio:

The Studio will allow for small group events and will have tables, chairs, and party/decor items for rent. The studio has an indoor/outdoor space on the east side of the building perfect for small events. The studio is designed to be a natural light studio with large windows on the North, East and South sides of the building. There will be rental slots specific for product/studio photography as well as for small events such as baby showers. bridal showers, launch parties, fitness classes, work parties, book clubs, etc.

I want this space to help us all better thrive in motherhood/parenthood. Use your skills, grow your talents and do it without sacrificing time away from what matters most. Let The Hygge Studio be a place where you can do it all! 

The Hygge Studio



The Hygge Studio - Mood Board


We Believe In Home